The number of households with bedbugs is increasing according to PestWorld.org. They may spread in the clothing, luggage, backpacks, and purses. While they are not poisonous to humans, they do bite and can cause welts and discomfort. One way to get rid of bedbugs is by using mattress encasements that completely cover the mattress, leaving the bedbugs no place to hide.
Five Best Pick has chosen some of the best options to help trap and kill any bed bugs you may have and keep them from crawling on your mattress while you sleep. Some people find that if bed bugs are not eradicated they can spread to other areas of the home. It is crucial to have a professional treat the infestation and then protect your bed mattress from hatching bed bugs.
Some of the best mattress protector against bed bugs include the following:
- Linenspa Zippered Mattress Encasement
- Utopia Bedding Mattress Encasement (this also comes in a waterproof version)
- Saferest Premium Mattress Encasement
- Four Seasons Essentials Mattress Encasement
In addition to keeping bed bugs at bay, mattress encasements prevent dust mites and other allergens that may interrupt your sleep. Don’t be bothered by bed bugs; protect your bed and home with a mattress encasement.