Minecraft server hosting providers are all the rage in the new Minecraft comeback. And with that, comes a variety of different ways to find the right server for you. Hosting providers vary in their services.
Below are some great tips to figure out which hosting provider works best for your needs.
Minecraft servers will vary based on four different requirements: the Minecraft edition you are playing on, player amount, price range, and internet speed. With these four things decided, it should be easy to find the right server for you.
There are two editions of Minecraft: Java and Bedrock. Each version has its bonuses and flaws, but the main difference is that each edition has its own servers. when looking for a server, make sure you’re searching the options for the correct edition.
Player amount will vary based on the server’s capacity. Each server will have a limit to players allowed in the world, and a lot of the time, player capacity is decided by pricing. Servers can range from free to over $100, so it’s good to decide your budget beforehand. Pricing also influences the speed at which your server will load. The more expensive, the quicker your system will process requests.
With Minecraft’s new explosion in popularity, servers are the best way to play with friends. Purchase a server today and join in on the fun!