Dental supplies are vital in the dental and orthodontic industries. This video will teach you how to complete orthodontic supply procurement on a tight budget.
With a limited budget, the best approach is to get the most essential equipment. Start by using infection control equipment like disinfectant spray and cleaner to sterilize all other equipment.
Next, get latex examination gloves, since dentists use them daily, and cleaning brushes made of nylon or stainless steel. The brushes help tidy up the examination room. Luckily, brushes require very little time to dry.
Consider getting art wires, pressure materials, and other popular orthodontic supplies like a band director (plugger). The band director ensures proper ligature when a dentist needs to switch sides after treating the front side.
Note that the list is not exhaustive, and you should contact an orthodontic supply procurement company to guide you. Once you present your budget, they’ll help you pick what your clinic needs to operate optimally. Remember to choose credible supplies ready to work within your budget.